Tuesday, January 31, 2023
BSW interns visit to Self Help Group
On 23.01.2023 the BSW interns from Christ college, Kerela visited Mrs. Gayathri’s home (the Akshaya Punnagai Pookal SHG Secretary). The interns got information about the documentation done by the Self Help Groups. The account opening process, registers maintained, procedure for new members etc. The interns got detailed information about starting and maintaining Self Help Groups by interacting with Mrs. Gayathri.
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Friday, January 27, 2023
74th Republic Day Celebration in Prime Trust
Republic Day marks the adoption of India's constitution and the country's transition to a republic on January 26, 1950. Every year, the celebrations marking the day feature spectacular military and cultural pageantry. In New Delhi, armed forces personnel march along the Kartavya path in an elaborate display of military might.
On 26.01.2023 the Prime Trust staff, Janani home children and the rainbow nagar evening school children celebrated the 74th republic day in the Prime Trust office, Rainbow nagar. Our national flag was hoisted by the special guest Mr. SivaKumar, trustee of Prime Trust. Prime trust Founder and Managing Director Mr. SM Arasu was the guest of honor. The program started with the welcome speech. Children danced for patriotic songs. Speech about republic day was given. Mr. Sivakumar gave the special speech were he emphasized the importance of learning to thrive in the upcoming challenges. The program ended with the vote of thanks. The participants were given refreshments.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Fundamental rights sessions for the Janani home Children’s parliament group
Fundamental rights are human rights guaranteed to all people of India as written in the Indian Constitution. They are administered without regard for race, religion, gender, or other factors. Courts have the power to protect fundamental rights under specific situations. The following are the six fundamental rights of the Indian Constitution, as well as the constitutional provisions that connect to them: Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights and Right to Constitutional Remedies.
On 21.01.2023 the BSW interns from the Christ College, Kerela took sessions on fundamentals rights for the children’s parliament group in Janani home. It was a new session for the children.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Children’s Parliament in Rasu Udayar Thottam
The Children’s Parliament is a group of children of a particular village/ neighborhood who come together as a group for activities, learning, and to represent their interests and opinion to the decision makers of the village/neighborhood. The formation of Children’s Parliament has been done with the following objective; “Equipping children with the basic concept of the Children’s Parliament provide an opportunity to learn ‘life skills’ for example, about their rights, health, and education as a result they become aware and contribute in decision making process of administrative system through their life skills learning.”
On 21.01.2023 a children’s parliament was formed in Rasu Udayar Thottam. The following children were selected as the following. Janani.C – President, NithiyaShree – Secretary, Jennifer – Treasurer, MithraShree – Vice President, Sivani – Joint Secretary. The children are looking forward to the next meeting of the Children’s Parliament.
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Monday, January 23, 2023
Health awareness session for the Muthialpet evening school children by the BSW interns
Health awareness programmes impart a better understanding of several communicable diseases and how we can prevent them. The health awareness session also highlights the significance of making children realise the value of physical, mental and social health.
On 05/01/2023 the interns from KMCT and Christ college Kerela took sessions on health for the evening school children at Muthialpet. The children listened with interest and also answered to the questions asked. It was a good opportunity for the interns to communicate with the children.
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Saturday, January 21, 2023
Prime Trust wants to share that our children of Janani Home got a new school van! Our long-time wish came true!
The children will have safe travel to their schools and can also enjoy short trips to the beach and park. The vehicle will also be used to take up our outreach programs in rural places.
We along with our children wish to thank all our donors who helped us to buy this vehicle. We also thank Ramya Automobiles Private Limited, Villianur for offering a special price for us!
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Friday, January 20, 2023
Mr. Dinesh Kumar, LACIM France visit to Akshaya Punnagai Pookal Self Help Group
Mr. Dinesh Kumar, LACIM France visit to Akshaya Punnagai Pookal Self Help Group
On 11.01.2023 Mr. Dinesh Kumar, LACIM France made a visit to the Akshaya Punnagai Pookal Self Help Group. A follow up meeting was held in Sishubhavan play school for the members of the Self Help Group. The purpose for which the micro credit has been used was discussed. The repayment was also followed up. The women interacted well.
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Thursday, January 19, 2023
Happy Birthday sir
The Prime Trust staff and the Janani home children wish our Founder and Managing Trustee Mr. Savarinathan Maria Arasu Sir a very Happy Birthday. You are a great inspiration to all of us.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Providing micro credit to Chittu kuruvi Self Help Group members.
Providing micro credit to Chittu kuruvi Self Help Group members.
Microfinance is an attempt to provide basic financial services like loans, opening savings accounts and insurance for people with low income. The major focus of these institutions is to provide financial services to women and the poor in rural areas so that they can grow their businesses.
With the support of LACIM, France, Prime Trust was able to provide a micro credit of Rs 10,000/- each to eight members of the Chittu Kuruvi self help group for improving their business. Mr. Dinesh Kumar of LACIM handed over the cheques to the women.
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Friday, January 13, 2023
Pongal Celebration by the Prime Trust staff
Pongal Celebration by the Prime Trust staff
The principal theme of Pongal is thanking the Sun god, the forces of nature, and the farm animals and people who support agriculture. The festival is named after the ceremonial "Pongal", which means "to boil, overflow" and refers to the traditional dish prepared from the new harvest of rice boiled in milk with jaggery (raw sugar).
The Prime Trust staff along with the BSW interns from KMCT and Christ college, Kerela celebrated the Pongal festival in Janani home. The interns gave cultural program. It was a good time of get together for everyone.
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Thursday, January 12, 2023
Play time in Janani home
Play time in Janani home
Playing is a natural and enjoyable way for children to keep active, stay well and be happy. Freely chosen play helps children and young people’s healthy development. To have good physical and mental health and to learn life skills, they need various unstructured play opportunities from birth until they’re teenagers.
During weekends the children in Janani home spend time together playing games. They enjoy and love the time they spend together.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2023
HIV/AIDS awareness session for the evening school children in Rainbow Nagar
HIV/AIDS awareness session for the evening school children in Rainbow Nagar
Thousands of people are infected and children are being orphaned because of HIV/AIDS. Not everyone knows the impact AIDS has in every community and every business or organisation. According to STATS SA, an estimated 7 million South Africans are HIV positive. Almost all of us are affected by HIV and AIDS. There is really NO cure for HIV/Aids. The best we can do to prevent this disease from spreading and taking more lives, is to educate and create awareness. Knowledge is power.
On 04/01/2023 the BSW interns from KMCT and Christ college, Kerela gave an awareness session on HIV/AIDS for the evening school children in Rainbow Nagar. Information about the modes of transmission, Prevention, how it does not spread, VCTC, Rights of HIV infected people and how HIV works in our body was given. Games were conducted for the children. The children interacted well. It was a useful session for them.
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Monday, January 9, 2023
Interaction of the interns from KMCT College, Kerela with the Janani home Children
Interaction of the interns from KMCT College, Kerela with the Janani home Children
Interaction with the Children helps us to establish rapport with them, get to know about their family, the problems they face etc.
On 29.12.2022 the interns from KMCT College, Kerela visited Janani home and interacted with the children of Janani home. They got to know about their families, their hobbies, their studies and about the home. It was a good opportunity for the interns to interact with the children. The children responded well, they enjoyed the time spent with the interns.
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Saturday, January 7, 2023
Prime Trust with Vel dental team conducts free dental camp at Vadakku Melur, Cuddalore District
Prime Trust with Vel dental team conducts free dental camp at Vadakku Melur, Cuddalore District
A routine dental check-up is important to ensure that there are no issues with our oral health and to detect any concerns as early as possible. The best way to deal with oral health concerns is through prevention. A routine dental check-up allows us to detect potential issues before they worsen and to receive the proper preventive and restorative care. Taking this into concern on 06.01.2023 a free dental camp was organized by Prime Trust at Vadakkumelur, Cuddalore district for the public. The camp arrangements were made by Mrs. Immaculate and her family. The Vel mobile dental care team provided the dental care. The camp was announced to the public using PA system and handbills. The check up and treatment was done from 11:30 am to 4:00pm. The dental problems were diagnosed and treatment was given in the mobile van. Teeth cleaning, scaling, tooth extraction etc was done. 105 people were benefitted through the camp. The participants were provided with free tooth brush and toothpaste. Mrs. Mary Slessor, Program Manager, BSW interns from KMCT college and Christ College Kerela took part in the camp.
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Friday, January 6, 2023
Interaction of the interns from KMCT College, Kerala with the people of Rasu Udayar Thottam.
Interaction of the interns from KMCT College, Kerala with the people of Rasu Udayar Thottam.
Interaction with the people of a community helps us to establish rapport with them, get to know about the area, the facilities available, the problems faced by the people etc.
On 29.12.2022 the interns from KMCT College, Kerala visited the Rasu Udayar Thottam and interacted with the people. They got information about their occupation, the problems faced, their need, educational facilities, hospital facilities, toilet facilities etc. It was a good opportunity for the interns to interact with the people in the community.
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✨ Cloth Donation Drive - 03 March✨ We are reaching out to the homeless community with love and kindness! Your small act of giving can m...

On Wednesday the 29 th April, the Kabasura decoction was distributed to 150 people at Amma Koil Sathiram at Villianur, Puducherry. ...
A family of Mrs Arokiamary and her husband, Nayagam with her two children who are residing at Tindivanam was introduced by one of our well...
The girls at Janani Home work hard at school and focus well on their studies, but we recognise that physical activity is also vital for...