Saturday, February 25, 2023
Janani Home - Visit by Nurse
Janani Home - Visit by Nurse
Health check-ups are designed not only to detect medical issues, but also to identify risk factors and illnesses before they start to cause problems. Health check-ups aim to not only help the person to prevent illnesses and its complications but also to make changes in the lifestyle for long-term healthy life.
Weekly once the nurse visits the children at Janani Home and takes sessions on health related topics and also interacts with the children about their health.
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Friday, February 24, 2023
Sishubhavan Play School Activities – Finger Printing
Sishubhavan Play School Activities – Finger Printing
Finger Printing is an excellent tactile experience. It stimulates the child’s senses. It helps a child’s intellectual development. The mixing of colors teaches your child about their colors and how to create new colors. It allows them to use their imagination and create. It encourages cognitive development. It strengthens the hand and fingers which helps with fine motor skills. Most importantly, it is FUN!
On 22.02.2023 the MSW interns from Alagappa University, Karaikudi along with the Play School teacher conducted finger printing activities for the kids at Sishubhavan Play School, Muthialpet. The children enjoyed the activity.
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Thursday, February 23, 2023
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Prizes for the Toppers of Muthialpet Evening School
Prizes for the Toppers of Muthialpet Evening School
Encouragement is one of the most powerful tools a teacher can use. It is often the key to unlocking untapped potential in children. As an educator or parent, your words and actions have the ability to lift students up or break them down. Encouraging words and actions are often internalized by students and have the power to motivate them to succeed.
On 21.02.2023 the Muthialpet Evening School Teacher encouraged the children who have achieved good ranks in the half yearly examination. Vishwa. S – 4th rank, Kaviya. K – 5 th rank, Umayrah Ulfah. S – 1st rank. Prime Trust appreciates the evening school teacher for her efforts.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Finger Painting activity for the kids in Sishubhavan Play School
Finger Painting activity for the kids in Sishubhavan Play School
Finger painting is an art that most of us have experienced in our childhood. Kids, particularly toddlers, find it hard to hold a brush or a crayon. However, finger painting is a much easier exercise for them as they don’t have to worry about the weight of a painting tool. Finger painting involves all major senses – visual, auditory, and kinesthetic – thereby improving the sensory abilities of kids. Finger painting involves exploring a range of colors, thereby giving children ample training in color recognition. The activity also trains kids on mixing colors and trying out new combinations for creating new colors.
On 14.02.2023 the Sishubhavan Play School teacher along with the MSW interns from Alagappa University, Karaikudi did the finger painting activity for the children. The children enjoyed and participated with enthusiasm.
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Monday, February 20, 2023
Birthday Celebration of Janani Home Staff
Birthday Celebration of Janani Home Staff
We celebrate birthdays to remember, acknowledge, and appreciate the life of a person who has been born. Birthdays are important because they remind us that we are alive and have another year to live. Also, birthdays help us appreciate what we have in life: work, family, friends, and so on.
On 14.02.2023 the staff and children at Janani Home, Colas Nagar celebrated the birthday of Janani Home staff Mrs. Kousalya. It was a time of celebration for the girls in Janani Home. Prime trust wishes Mrs. Kousalya a very happy birthday and an awesome year ahead.
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Friday, February 17, 2023
Parts of Body session at Sishubhavan Play School - MSW intern from Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Parts of Body session at Sishubhavan Play School - MSW intern from Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Children always look for new information. Their tiny minds are filled with numerous questions about the world, their surroundings, and especially their own bodies. As they grow up they start to recognize that they can run, play, laugh, and sing, they also become more curious about their bodies. It is necessary to teach them about their body parts at this stage. Learning about the function of each part of their body, also helps them to gain coordination and motor skills.
On 17.02.2023 an MSW intern from Alagappa University, Karaikudi taught the children at Sishubhavan Play School the parts of the body. The children participated well and enjoyed the session.
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Thursday, February 16, 2023
Global Giving
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Support abandoned girl children at Janani Home, Puducherry
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Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Fundamental rights sessions for the children in Panchayat Union Primary School, Varagupet
Fundamental rights are human rights guaranteed to all people of India as written in the Indian Constitution. They are administered without regard for race, religion, gender, or other factors. Courts have the power to protect fundamental rights under specific situations. The following are the six fundamental rights of the Indian Constitution, as well as the constitutional provisions that connect to them: Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights and Right to Constitutional Remedies.
On 10.02.2023 the MSW interns from Alagappa University, Karaikudi took sessions on fundamentals rights for the children in Panchayat Union Primary School, Varagupet. It was a new session for the children.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Global giving fund raising
Sharing the link to our projects with your family and friends helps us to spread the word about our work and continue to grow our community of supporters like you. If you are willing to share the story of our work with your network, we would be incredibly grateful.
Monday, February 13, 2023
Prime Trust provides Income Generation Program training at Varagupet Village, Villupuram District
Prime Trust provides Income Generation Program training at Varagupet Village, Villupuram District
Income generating activities focused on poor communities focus on creating opportunities for communities to productively use locally available resources to develop less state and aid dependent, more self-reliant households and communities able to care for themselves. Additional benefits of income generating activities include: contributing to reduce poverty; improving the wellbeing of the communities as well as empowerment; and enhancing self-reliance and community development.
On 10.02.2023 about 15 women from the Varagupet village, Villupuram District were given training to manufacture different housekeeping items like Phenyl, Clothes washing liquid, Dish washing liquid, Soap oil etc. Mrs. Meera who had received training from the government training program and who is manufacturing and selling the housekeeping items gave the training for the women. It was a useful training session for the women. The women thanked Prime Trust for organizing the IGP training.
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Saturday, February 11, 2023
Prime Trust with Vel dental team conducts free dental camp at Varagapet, Villupuram District
A dental checkup is a good thing, and you should get one every six months. People who regularly get checkups are less likely to ever deal with a serious dental issue that requires an invasive treatment. Taking this into concern on 10.02.2023 a free dental camp was organized by Prime Trust at Varagapet, Villupuram district for the public. The camp arrangements were made by Mr. Divyanadhan, Head Master of the Panchayat Union Primary School, Varagapet. The Vel mobile dental care team provided the dental care. The camp was announced to the public using PA system and handbills. The check up and treatment was done from 11:30 am to 4:00pm. The dental problems were diagnosed and treatment was given in the mobile van. Teeth cleaning, scaling, tooth extraction etc was done. 91 people were benefitted through the camp. The participants were provided with free toothpaste. Mrs. Mary Slessor, Program Manager and MSW interns from Alagappa University took part in the camp.
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Friday, February 10, 2023
Global Giving
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Thursday, February 9, 2023
Global giving fund raising
Sharing the link to our projects with your family and friends helps us to spread the word about our work and continue to grow our community of supporters like you. If you are willing to share the story of our work with your network, we would be incredibly grateful.
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Sharing Time – Muthialpet evening school
Children need to learn to share so they can make and keep friends, play cooperatively, take turns, negotiate and cope with disappointment. Sharing teaches children about compromise and fairness. They learn that if we give a little to others, we can get some of what we want too. Children also need opportunities to learn about and practice sharing.
The evening school teacher Mrs. Bavani created an opportunity for the children to share by arranging a sharing time during the evening school. The children brought snack items from their homes and shared it with their friends in the evening school. The children enjoyed sharing their eatables with the other children.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Birthday Celebration in Janani Home
There's nothing like a birthday. In addition to reminding us of how old we are, they also represent how far we've come. Taking part in them is a great way to express your appreciation for someone. A birthday gives everyone the chance to feel special and appreciate how much their loved ones care for them.
On 06.02.2023 the children at Janani Home, Colas Nagar celebrated the birthday of T. Kushi, 11 years old. It was a time of joy for all the girls in Janani Home. Prime trust wishes Kushi a very happy birthday and a splendid year ahead.
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Monday, February 6, 2023
Birthday Celebration in Janani Home
The Janani home sponsors visit the children on special occasions like their birthdays and wedding days. We thank all our sponsors for their valuable contribution and support.
Prime Trust thanks Mr. Balaji and his team for visiting the Janani home children on 05.02.2023 and spending their valuable time with them.
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Saturday, February 4, 2023
Project work by the Janani home children
Project work can be defined as a method of learning that involves learning through tangible means like doing individual research and presenting it in a certain way. It inculcates, promotes, and upholds the principles of learning through experience and experimentation.
The children in Janani home have done the project works like making flower vase from waste paper, chart preparation, making ear rings etc. It was a time of learning for them.
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Friday, February 3, 2023
Visit to Sishubhavan Play School - MSW interns from Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Playschool helps in building a strong foundation in social, pre-academics, and general life skills. It helps in the development of a child's emotional and personal growth and provides opportunities for children to learn in ways that sheerly interests them and develop a strong sense of curiosity.
On 02.02.2023 the MSW interns from the Alagappa University visited the Sishubhavan Playschool. Interaction with the kids helped them to establish rapport with the children. Spending time with the play school kids was a good learning activity.
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-DISTRIBUTING CLOTHES- This week we distributed clothes to homeless people in Pondicherry. We were able to provide them a wide range of chil...
The girls at Janani Home work hard at school and focus well on their studies, but we recognise that physical activity is also vital for...
On Wednesday the 29 th April, the Kabasura decoction was distributed to 150 people at Amma Koil Sathiram at Villianur, Puducherry. ...
A family of Mrs Arokiamary and her husband, Nayagam with her two children who are residing at Tindivanam was introduced by one of our well...