Thursday, October 12, 2023

Prime Trust conducts free dental and eye camp at Kudaloor village, Villupuram District

Conducting dental and eye camps in villages holds significant importance for several reasons. Many rural areas lack proper healthcare infrastructure and facilities. Dental and eye camps provide an opportunity for people in these areas to access essential healthcare services that they might not otherwise receive. These camps facilitate early detection of dental and eye problems. By identifying issues at an early stage, individuals can receive timely treatment, preventing more severe health complications. These camps can also serve as platforms for health education and awareness. Local healthcare professionals can educate villagers about the importance of oral and eye health, hygiene, and preventive measures. For many, dental and eye problems can be debilitating and significantly impact their quality of life. Camps like these offer treatment and intervention that can improve the overall well-being of villagers. Rural populations often face financial constraints that make it difficult to seek regular healthcare. Dental and eye camps provide cost-effective or even free services, making healthcare more accessible to those with limited resources. In summary, conducting dental and eye camps in villages is significant because it addresses critical healthcare needs, raises awareness, and improves the overall well-being of the rural population. It's a step towards achieving better healthcare equity and inclusivity, ensuring that healthcare services are accessible to all, regardless of their geographic location or economic status. On 29.09.2023 Prime Trust in hands with the Vel dental team and JAAS optical and eye care team conducted a free dental and eye screening camp at the Kudaloor Village of Villupuram District. The camp took place from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Basic treatment for dental was done. Eye screening was done. The people were referred to local health care providers for further treatment. About 60 people including children were benefitted from the camp. #Primetrust,#Indiavolunteercare,#indiavolunteercaretoursandtravels, #Akshayaselfhelpgroupsconfederation,#Aadharaprojectforhomeless, #Akshayatailoringcentre,#Sishubhavanplayschool,#Primetrustremedialschools, #Jananihomeforgirls,#Primetrustruralhealthmission,#Primetrustchildsponsorshipprogram, #Primetrustruralwaterandsanitationproject, #Primetrustchildrensparliament, #Puducherry,#Volunteers, #VolunteeringinPuducherry, #CovidPandemic,#Awarenessgeneration


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