Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Prime Trust provides microcredit to the Akshaya Chittu Kuruvi Self Help Group, Puducherry

Prime Trust provides microcredit to the Akshaya Chittu Kuruvi Self Help Group, Puducherry On 17. 10 2022 the Prime Trust Founder Mr. SM Arasu provided microcredit of Rs. 10,000 each to 10 members of the Akshaya Chittu Kuruvi Self Help Group, Anandapuram. The women will use the microcredit to enhance their economic status. The women thanked the founder for his timely help. Program Manager Mrs. Mary Slessor handed over the microcredit cheques to the leader and the secretary of the SHG. #Primetrust,#Indiavolunteercare,#indiavolunteercaretoursandtravels, #Akshayaselfhelpgroupsconfederation,#Aadharaprojectforhomeless, #Akshayatailoringcentre,#Sishubhavanplayschool,#Primetrustremedialschools, #Jananihomeforgirls,#Primetrustruralhealthmission,#Primetrustchildsponsorshipprogram, #Primetrustruralwaterandsanitationproject, #Primetrustchildrensparliament, #Puducherry, #Jananihomeforgirls, #Volunteers, #VolunteeringinPuducherry, #CovidPandemic


Together, we create change! 🤝✨

Together, we create change! 🤝✨ Prime Trust, in collaboration with India Volunteer Care and Akshaya Self-Help Group, organized a clothing d...