Monday, June 12, 2023

Colas Nagar Community Park cleaning

Janani Home set an example to the local community by cleaning their unutilized park and makingit for regular usage! Colas Nagar is a Locality in Puducherry where our Janani Home for Girls is located. This is named after the former Archbishop of Puducherry, Msgr. Auguste-SimΓ©on Colas for the services he rendered for the people of Puducherry. This is very adjacent to our Home. It is found that the park provided for Colas Nagar was not used by the public as it is full of bushes and used as a dump yard by the local community. It was our long-term dream to bring it under usage so that the public as well as our children can make use of it. On 9th June 2023, our team members met our Member of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. AnnibalKennady, and explained the need. He happily accepted and visited Janani and the park and initiated the cleaning process. Instructions were given to the officials of Puducherry Municipality to do the needful. We the students of PSG College, Coimbatore, staff of Prime Trust, and children of Janani Home involved in the exercise. #Primetrust,#Indiavolunteercare,#indiavolunteercaretoursandtravels, #Akshayaselfhelpgroupsconfederation,#Aadharaprojectforhomeless, #Akshayatailoringcentre,#Sishubhavanplayschool,#Primetrustremedialschools, #Jananihomeforgirls,#Primetrustruralhealthmission,#Primetrustchildsponsorshipprogram, #Primetrustruralwaterandsanitationproject, #Primetrustchildrensparliament, #Puducherry,


Give Hope, Share Happiness πŸ’•πŸ‘•πŸ‘—

✨ Cloth Donation Drive - 03 March✨ We are reaching out to the homeless community with love and kindness! Your small act of giving can m...