Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Session on importance of education for the children in Janani Home

Education is of paramount importance for children for several reasons. Education equips children with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the world successfully. It provides a foundation in subjects like math, science, language, and social studies, which are essential for understanding and contributing to society. Education encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Education fosters personal growth and development. School environments provide opportunities for children to interact with their peers, which is crucial for developing social skills. Education empowers children by giving them the tools they need to make choices about their lives. It helps them become more self-reliant and less dependent on others. Education is often linked to better life outcomes, including higher earning potential, improved health, and a higher quality of life. It can break the cycle of poverty and open doors to a wider range of opportunities. Education plays a key role in shaping responsible citizens. It instills values such as respect for others, tolerance, and civic engagement. In summary, education is a fundamental right and a powerful tool that can transform the lives of children. It not only imparts knowledge but also nurtures essential life skills and values, enabling children to become responsible, informed, and capable individuals who can contribute to the betterment of society. On 30.09.2023 the Program Manager Mrs. Mary Slessor conducted a session on the importance of education for the girls in Janani Home. It was an interactive and brain storming session. The children wrote down and shared their thoughts on the importance of being educated. #Primetrust,#Indiavolunteercare,#indiavolunteercaretoursandtravels, #Akshayaselfhelpgroupsconfederation,#Aadharaprojectforhomeless, #Akshayatailoringcentre,#Sishubhavanplayschool,#Primetrustremedialschools, #Jananihomeforgirls,#Primetrustruralhealthmission,#Primetrustchildsponsorshipprogram, #Primetrustruralwaterandsanitationproject, #Primetrustchildrensparliament, #Puducherry,#Volunteers, #VolunteeringinPuducherry, #CovidPandemic,#Awarenessgeneration

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