Saturday, May 27, 2023

Visit to the State Bank of India, Main branch Puducherry by the Janani Home children

Visit to the State Bank of India, Main branch Puducherry by the Janani Home children Banking is not just about depositing cash or withdrawing money but a vast and wide field. Having knowledge about bank functioning at an early age could be an advantage to the children. They can develop habit of saving at tender age. On 26.05.2023 the children in Janani Home were taken to the State bank of India, Main branch - Puducherry for an exposure visit. The children came to know that there are different people in the banks to assist us. Children were very delighted to see the A.T.M machine. They were very happy to know about it. The children had a glance at the room where currency is arranged to be kept in the ATM machines. It was an informative trip for the children. #Primetrust,#Indiavolunteercare,#indiavolunteercaretoursandtravels, #Akshayaselfhelpgroupsconfederation,#Aadharaprojectforhomeless, #Akshayatailoringcentre,#Sishubhavanplayschool,#Primetrustremedialschools, #Jananihomeforgirls,#Primetrustruralhealthmission,#Primetrustchildsponsorshipprogram, #Primetrustruralwaterandsanitationproject, #Primetrustchildrensparliament, #Puducherry, #Jananihomeforgirls, #Volunteers, #VolunteeringinPuducherry, #CovidPandemic4


Give Hope, Share Happiness 💕👕👗

✨ Cloth Donation Drive - 03 March✨ We are reaching out to the homeless community with love and kindness! Your small act of giving can m...